4 Highlights from Sexual Assault Awareness Month

teens talking sexual assault awareness month

During the month of April, we launched #KeepMeSafe in an effort to raise awareness about sexual assault and cyberbullying among teenagers. We are blown away by the level of activism that is taking place in communities throughout the country, and we salute the young women and men who are courageously sharing their stories in an effort to draw more attention and support to these issues.

Here are just a few of the ways in which we made progress during Sexual Assault Awareness Month:

We found common ground on Capitol Hill.

Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle met with us individually and joined us for a special event, as 19-year-old Adriana Presas (pictured below with Rep. Gwen Moore) shared her story as a sexual assault survivor for the first time publicly.


Schools and communities across the country featured Audrie & Daisy.

To date, more than 600 schools and communities shared the documentary with students, teachers, parents, and others in an effort to promote dialogue and solutions for prevention in the K-12 setting.

Media took notice.

Several of the people featured in Audrie & Daisy shared their stories with Teen Vogue. Charlie Coleman (pictured below) gave an emotional appeal to boys on what they can do to combat rape culture.

charlie coleman teen vogue sexual assault rape culture

You supported survivors and shared your own stories.

Many of you responded to our emails, commented on social media, told us about your experiences, and affirmed the stories of survivors, such as those from Berkeley High School.

tori berkeley hs

Our work is far from done. Look no further than the year-long investigation into K-12 sexual assault published by the Associated Press earlier this week for an in-depth look at what we’re up against.

With so much at stake for our daughters and sons, your involvement has never been more critical. In the weeks and months ahead, we will continue to identify ways in which you can make a difference on these issues, particularly in the K-12 setting.

Here are a few to keep you going:

  • Urge your elected officials to take sexual assault in K-12 schools seriously. Simply fill in your information here, and we’ll auto-populate an email that will go directly to your representatives.
  • Host a screening of Audrie & Daisy in your community or school (sign up here).
  • Encourage your local schools to utilize these free lesson plans that cover the root causes of sexual violence, the role of social media, consent, intervention strategies, and healthy relationships.


Let’s keep the momentum going! It’s working.