Addressing Domestic Violence in Home Visitation Settings

Title: Addressing Domestic Violence in Home Visitation Settings: Screening, Assessment & Safety Planning

Date Recorded: November 19, 2012

Description: The new federal benchmarks for home visitation require that programs document screening, and track referrals. We know that many home visitation programs are continuing to prioritize domestic violence (DV) screening, referral, and building partnerships with local DV programs. Home visitors have a unique opportunity to improve positive outcomes for their families by building partnerships and learning more about tools and assessment strategies for integrating DV screening. This webinar will help home visitors understand how to screen, refer, and document these activities as part of routine programming.

Futures Without Violence, formerly Family Violence Prevention Fund, has been working with home visitation programs and providing domestic violence training and education for more than a decade. Authors Linda Chamberlain and Rebecca Levenson have developed a research-informed curriculum, Healthy Moms, Happy Babies: Train the Trainers Curriculum to support home visitation programs in developing a core competency strategy, ensuring that all home visitation programs are equipped to help women and children living in homes with DV. This curriculum was developed in concert with both researchers and experts in the field as well as home visitation front line staff. This curriculum was developed to combine both a strong evidence-based assessment tool for the non-clinical home visitation environment, and frame it in a way that makes sense on the ground.


  • Rebecca Levenson, Senior Policy Analyst, Futures Without Violence
  • Laura Alfani, Idaho’s Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program
  • Surabhi Kukke, Director of Prevention Programs, Texas Council on Family Violence