Posts Categorized: National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence


How to Create a Health Care-Based Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Program

This document includes information pertaining to health care effects and costs of domestic violence, health care response to domestic violence, federal health care reform, and a model for creating domestic violence response in health care settings.
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Building and Strengthening Health Care-Based Domestic Violence Programs Resource List

Listing of Guidelines, State Statutes and Reporting Policies , Program Development, Health Care Professional Training, Evaluation, Tools and Materials, Reference Books, IOM, Recommendations, Employee Assistance, and Position Statements.
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Sample Domestic Violence and Strangulation Policy

This policy includes sample language surrounding the policy, procedure, and documentation for routine screening, indicators, intervention, community resources.
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Compendium of State/Territory Statutes and Policies on Domestic Violence and Health Care

The Compendium is an at-a glance summary of state and U.S. territory laws, regulations and other activities relevant to addressing domestic violence in health care settings.
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Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act (Hippa): Summary Of Federal Medical Privacy Protections For Victims Of Domestic Violence

Developed for health care professionals, this resource guide discusses the implications of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) for domestic violence reporting.
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Connected Parents, Connected Kids Safety Card

Connected Parents, Connected Kids is a safety card designed for parents that health care providers can distribute as part of universal education. In addition to providing safety resources for women, this tool also functions as a prompt for health care providers to discuss Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the impact on parenting.
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Violence Doesn’t Have to be Part of Your Life

This poster was specifically designed to encourage Asian patients in health care settings to talk to their health care provider about domestic violence.
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Violence Destroys: Keep Families Sacred

This poster was developed for use in health care and community-based programs and encourages patients to talk to their health care provider about domestic violence.
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Nobody Deserves to be Abused

This poster was designed specifically for health care settings and encourages women to talk to their health care providers about domestic violence.
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Feeling Alone? Don’t Know Who to Talk To?

This poster was developed for use in all health care settings to encourage patients to talk to their providers about domestic violence.
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Contrary to Popular Belief, Straight People Do Not Have a Monopology on Abusive Relationships

This poster was designed to encourage lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender-identified individuals to talk to their health care providers about relationship abuse.
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Are You Tired of Making Excuses for Him?

This poster was designed for use in health care settings and encourages patients to talk to their health care providers about domestic violence.
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Voices of Survivors: Domestic Violence Survivors Educate Physicians

Voices of Survivors addresses the dynamics of domestic violence, its prevalence, and the need for providers to routinely assess patients for abuse.
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Screen to End Abuse

The Screen to End Abuse DVD includes five clinical vignettes demonstrating techniques for assessing and responding to domestic violence in primary care settings.
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The National Health Care Standards Campaign Model Practices

This document summarizes the experiences and outcomes of 15 U.S. states that enacted state-wide public health responses to domestic violence.
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The National Consensus Guidelines on Identifying and Responding to Domestic Violence Victimization in Health Care Settings

This was developed to assist health care providers in addressing domestic violence victimiztion, assessment, intervention, referral and documentation.
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Relationships, Support, and Wellness: Mental Health Safety Card

The card poses simple questions to help women examine whether their relationship is healthy and safe, while exploring potential impacts on health and mental health.
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Is Your Relationship Affecting Your Health: Safety Card

The card helps women recognize how their relationship impacts their health as well as the lives of their children and provides information on safety planning.
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Did You Know Your Relationship Affects Your Health: Reproductive Safety Card

The card prompts patients to ask themselves whether they are in a healthy relationship or if they have experienced reproductive coercion—forced sex, birth control sabotage, forced pregnancy, or violence—by an intimate partner.
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We Are Sacred: American Indian/Alaska Native Reproductive Health Safety Card

This small safety card was designed for health settings serving Native communities including IHS clinics, Tribal health centers, and Urban Indian Health Centers. The card prompts patients to ask themselves whether they are in a healthy relationship or if they …

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Women Are Sacred: American Indian/Alaska Native Safety Card

This was developed in partnership with the National Indigenous Women's Resource Center. The card aims to help women recognize healthy and unhealthy relationship dynamics.
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We Are Worthy: American Indian/Alaska Native Safety Card

We Are Worthy is a safety card for women and girls of reproductive age who live in Alaska, including those from Alaska Native villages.
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There’s No Excue for Domestic Violence Bumper Sticker

Black and blue vinyl bumper stickers drive home the message: "There's No Excuse for Domestic Violence". Available in both English and Spanish.
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Practitioner Reference Card for Domestic Violence

This laminated 3" x 5" pocket reference card is an excellent tool for health care providers who are learning how to conduct routine assessment for domestic violence.
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Policy Paper

Joint Commissions Standard PC 01.02.09 on Victims of Abuse

A summarization of the Joint Commission instituted standards for hospitals on how to respond to domestic abuse, neglect and exploitation.
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Improving the Health Care Response to Domestic Violence: A Trainer’s Manual

The Manual provides instructions for teaching each section of the Resource Manual including the basics of domestic violence, clinical skills, legal issues, community resources, and role play scenarios.
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Improving the Health Care Response to Domestic Violence: A Resource Manual

This resource manual aims to educate health care providers on how to improve their response to domestic violence. It contains Information, Practical Tools, and Ideas.
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Health Privacy Principles for Protecting Victims of Domestic Violence

A victim of domestic violence, concerned for her safety, may be discouraged from seeking health care services because she fears that her health information will not remain confidential.
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Family Violence Quality Assessment Tool for Primary Care Offices

The tool may be used to assess family violence efforts in primary care at the beginning of a program’s implementation and intermittently when focusing on family violence as a quality improvement goal.
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Digital Tools

Danger Assessment Tool

The Danger Assessment instrument helps women at risk learn their level of danger and to train domestic violence advocates, law enforcement, and health care professionals in measuring and warning danger levels.
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Minimal Elements of a Domestic Violence Health Care Protocol

Futures Without Violence selected model protocols from various health care settings across the United States, including highlights about the setting that implemented the protocol.
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Delphi Instrument for Hospital-Based Domestic Violence Programs

This instrument can be used for a variety of purposes including benchmarking, assessment, and research/evaluation.
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The Coding and Documentation of Domestic Violence

This paper focuses on the need for accurate documentation and coding of domestic violence in medical records and provides recommendations on how to do so.
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Policy Paper

Challenges to Task Force Recommendations on Screening for Abuse

Leading medical and domestic violence experts challenged the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force’s conclusion that there is insufficient evidence to screen patients for domestic violence.
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Building a Domestic Violence Health Care Response in Indian Country

A 2008 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report on health and violence found that 39 percent of Native women reported that they were victims of intimate partner violence.
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The Ask, Validate, Document, Refer (AVDR) Tutorial for Dentists

This DVD provides a brief, interactive learning experience to help dental professionals and dental students respond to domestic violence.
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Best Practices: Innovative Domestic Violence Programs in Health Care Settings

This publication of best practices was written in 1997 to highlight innovative health care-based domestic violence programs across the U.S.
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The Nursing Role in the Routine Assessment for Intimate Partner Violence

This document includes a fact sheet, national resource list, action steps to get involved, a pocket card with assessment tips, mandatory reporting and privacy issues.
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Improving the Healthcare Response to Domestic Violence

This six pages folio provides an overview of the health care response to domestic violence.
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Dental Folio

This document includes an overview of clinical signs of domestic violence, routine assessment, documentation, and intervention, a fact sheet, national resource list, and more.
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