Posts Categorized: Health


Campus Sexual Assault: What Clinicians Need to Know

Sexual violence on college campuses is far too common a problem. The purpose of this webinar is to raise awareness about the issue and to discuss effective strategies for violence prevention and victim support. This webinar is intended to provide guidance for registered nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians’ assistants, medical doctors, and other clinicians who work with young adults.
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women on rooftop

Guest Blogger: Supporting Women Living with HIV/AIDS

Guest blogger Surabhi Kukke, MPH discusses the importance of supporting women living with HIV/AIDS.
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Funding Announcement Webinar

Webinar about an exciting funding opportunity to provide counseling on intimate partner violence in PCMH recognized health centers.
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Take Part in Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day 2015!

Webinar on organizing strategies and tools for celebrating Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day.
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Survivor Brochure

This brochure offers trauma-informed recommendations for survivors about how to become proactive in their healthcare and how to best advocate for their needs with health care providers.
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Special Enrollment Period for Survivors: How the Affordable Care Act can help patients experiencing intimate partner violence

This webinar will provide a basic overview of the coverage requirements in the Affordable Care Act and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force’s “B” recommendation for screening and intervention for domestic violence (DV).
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Female heath practitioner in hospital room

Survivors of Domestic Violence Can Now Get Access to Health Coverage Any Time

Guest blogger Lena O’Rourke, Founder and Principal of O’Rourke Health Policy Strategies, writes about an exciting new policy update that increases survivors' access to affordable health coverage.
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Mother and Children

Policy Recommendation Release of Safe, Healthy and Ready to Learn

On May 19, FUTURES, in partnership with more than a dozen leading education, health, and justice organizations, will release its consensus report on children exposed to violence and trauma.
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Integrating Health Services into Domestic Violence Programs: Tools for Advocates

This toolkit is designed to assist domestic violence advocates in integrating onsite health assessment and primary health services into domestic violence programs. The toolkit provides an opportunity for domestic violence programs to create a culture of wellness and develop a more comprehensive array of services for their clients and staff.
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Top Ten Moments at the 2015 National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence

Top ten moments from the 2015 National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence.
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Vice President Biden at Health Conference

Vice President Biden Speaks About Domestic Violence and Health

President and Founder of FUTURES Esta Soler talks about her exciting experience introducing Vice President Joe Biden at the Conference on Health and Domestic Violence.
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Guest Post: Tips and Resources for Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month

Guest blogger Barri Rosenbluth shares her tips and resources for spreading awareness during National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month.
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Hanging Out or Hooking Up: A Train the Trainers Curriculum on Responding to Adolescent Relationship Abuse

This curriculum has been developed to assist heath care providers in enhancing their skills working with youth to promote healthy relationships, assess for and respond to adolescent relationship abuse.
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Open Enrollment AND Beyond: How the Affordable Care Act can help patients experiencing domestic and interpersonal violence

This webinar covers key steps and strategies for how to help clients enroll in healthcare and understand the domestic violence provisions in the Affordable care act.
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Female heath practitioner in hospital room

Guest Blog Post: Engaging the Health Care Community to End Human Trafficking

January is National Human Trafficking and Slavery Prevention Month, and an ideal time to create a dialogue about this serious issue. Commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking have severe adverse effects on the health, development, well being, and human rights of vulnerable young people in the United States and globally.
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Building Stronger Collaborations With Domestic Violence Agencies and Addressing Programmatic Barriers to Screening

This webinar discusses the recently updated "Healthy Moms, Happy Babies" curriculum created by FUTURES.
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Female heath practitioner in hospital room

Guest Blog Post: Exploring the Intersection Between Domestic Violence and HIV

On World Aids Day, guest blogger Surabhi Kukke explores the intersection between domestic violence and HIV.
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Female heath practitioner in hospital room

Guest Blog Post: What Domestic Violence Survivors Need to Know About Affordable Health Coverage

Guest blogger Lena O'Rourke explains the Affordable Care Act and what it means to survivors of domestic violence. This post is part of a series on the 2015 National Conference on Health and Domestic VIolence.
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Policy Paper

FUTURES’ Response to IRS Tax Exceptions for Domestic Violence Survivors

FUTURES' response and recommendations regarding the IRS and Department of Treasury provisions outlining tax credits for health insurance for domestic violence survivors.
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Insurance Discrimination Against Victims of Domestic Violence

Authored by Terry L. Fromson (Managing Attorney, Women’s Law Project) and Nancy Durborow, MS (Consultant, Futures Without Violence) and updated in 2019, this 31-page report highlights the discriminatory practices of some insurance companies that penalize domestic violence victims who seek …

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New updates on how the Affordable Care Act can help patients experiencing domestic and interpersonal violence

This webinar provides a basic overview of the coverage requirements in the Affordable Care Act and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force’s “B” recommendation for screening and intervention for domestic violence (DV).
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Program News

Sir Michael Marmot to speak at the 2015 National Conference on Health And Domestic Violence!

FUTURES and the Conference Steering Committee are pleased to announce the addition of Sir Michael Marmot as a keynote speaker at the 2015 National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence.
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health staff

Celebrating Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day!

Today is Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day, an opportunity for domestic violence programs and health centers to shine a light on the important role the health care community plays in addressing and preventing intimate partner violence.
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Material Index

Health Materials for Patients, Providers, and Advocates

An index of health and domestic violence related materials offered by Futures Without Violence.
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Program News
health students

Join the Health Professionals Student and Faculty Network

As a student committed to health care excellence, we invite you to join our national initiative by participating in these action steps.
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Bullying: Health Consequences and Role of the Health Care Provider Webinar

This webinar covers the prevalence and health consequences of bullying, about tools and strategies to respond and how health care providers can become part of the solution.
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Child Sexual Abuse: Health Consequences and the Role of the Health Care Provider

This webinar will discuss identification, treatment, and prevention of child sexual abuse, tools and strategies to respond and how health care providers can become part of the solution.
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Trauma Informed Care: The Role of the Health Care Provider

Webinar participants will learn how programs and services can be designed to be more supportive, avoid re-traumatization, address the consequences of trauma in the individual, and facilitate healing.
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Gun Violence: The Health Care Provider’s Role in Prevention Webinar

This webinar will review the impact of gun violence on families in the United States and discuss evidence-based approaches to gun violence prevention.
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Supporting Our Troops’ Families: The Impact of Family Violence on Military Families

This webinar will explore the intersection of military service and family violence, and provide guidance for health care providers in both military and civilian settings who care for military families.
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Human Trafficking: The Role of the Health Care Provider

This webinar will provide clinicians with knowledge on trafficking and give specific tools for screening, assist victims in the clinical setting, and understand reporting requirements.
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Promoting Wellness: Incorporating Health Care into Advocacy

Olga Trujillo, an attorney, speaker, author & survivor, will illustrate through her own experience of violence and coping, how she discovered the importance of becoming proactive in her health care.
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From Associates to Allies: Forging Public Sector Partnerships that Prevent Violence

This webinar shares advice on how local government can boost your efforts to prevent gang violence, child abuse, bullying, and other forms of violence.
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Domestic Violence, Adolescent Relationship Abuse and Mandatory Reporting in California

When considering integrating domestic violence assessment and response into healthcare visits, providers and domestic violence advocates often raise valid concerns about mandatory reporting and confidentiality.
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Program News
teaching reproductive health

Health Parntership Grantee Spotlight

Since May 2014, the Women's Health Care Clinic (WHCC) and Interval House have launched an inventive new strategy to increase access to health information and health services among victims of domestic violence in the form of an engaging new "Monthly Health Celebration."
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Our involvement in the program has demonstrated to our community clinic the necessity to integrate domestic violence screening…it is no longer an add-on to our tasks, it is a part …

— John, Clinic Director, San Diego
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Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day Action Kit

Examples of activities you can organize, social media posts, and past events.
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Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day is designed to help improve the health care system’s response to violence by giving medical professionals the information and support they need to help victims and their children.
— Esta Soler,Founder and President of Futures Without Violence
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Project Connect has changed me, changed my approach to public health. I see the connections and how violence left unaddressed undermines each new effort to promote health.
— Project Connect provider in Iowa
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Digital Tools

ACE E-Learning Module

Simply select from these online courses and learn anytime, anywhere you have an Internet connection.
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Program News
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How can home visitors help the women in my program?

A look at different home visitation program elements and resources for starting your own.
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Realizing the Promise of Home Visitation

This guide will help policy makers and advocates build a strong national policy framework to maximize the effectiveness and reach of early childhood home visiting programs.
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Tools For Improving Maternal Health & Safety in A Multicultural Context

A large collection of materials on domestic violence dynamics, training materials, and public education materials in English and Spanish.
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Program News
health graphic to share

Using Social Media to Increase Awareness

These shareable graphic ads can support your marketing for upcoming health/DV trainings or efforts, or help get the conversation started.
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Evaluating the Implementation of Home-Based Visitation

In this paper, the authors report on their experience in conducting a statewide evaluation of the PCADV program using previously developed performance measures.
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Program News
older woman on beach

Older Adults’ Health

Seventy-seven million baby boomers are aging and people 85 and older, the fastest growing segment of the population, are disproportionately women. These demographic trends have significant implications for victimization, safety, suffering, and health.
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Digital Tools

Electronic Palm Domestic Violence Assessment Tool

We created a new assessment tool for domestic violence. It includes tips on how to conduct inquiry, assessment, intervention, documentation, follow-up for domestic violence, and facts.
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Program News

Domestic Violence and Health Care Protocols

Futures Without Violence has selected model protocols from various health care settings across the U.S. and highlights on the health care practice that has implemented this protocol.
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