Posts Categorized: Health

Program News
woman thinking

IRS Issues New Policy to Protect Victims of Domestic Violence

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued important guidance to address a serious problem that has prevented domestic abuse victims from accessing health insurance through the federal insurance marketplaces.
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Rape is Rape: Facts Not Fiction

For over 30 years, we’ve been deeply immersed in supporting and developing programs, studies, policies, and legislation intended to prevent and stop rape and sexual violence.
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The Business Case for Domestic Violence Programs in Health Care Settings

Developed by Futures Without Violence and Physicians for A Violence Free Society. Includes power point presentation and return on investment Excel sheet.
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Program News
Woman in counseling

Healthcare-Based Domestic Violence Programs

The healthcare-based DV model approach, applicable to hospitals and clinical settings, enables the staff of a health care institution in conjunction with local DV and sexual assault (SA) programs to respond in a comprehensive manner.
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Digital Tools

Health e-Bulletin

Archive of the Health E-Bulletin issues.
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Program News

2012 National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence Presentation Slides

The 6th Biennial National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence at San Francisco, CA, on March 30, 2012. The conference offered more than 11 in-depth pre-conference institutes, 70 workshop sessions, and 5 plenaries.
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2012 National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence

Photo highlights from the 6th Biennial National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence at San Francisco, CA, on March 30, 2012.
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Program News
group of drs

What can the NHRC provide?

The National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence provides personalized, technical assistance to domestic and sexual violence advocates and to health care practitioners, administrators and systems, students, policy makers, and others at all levels as they improve health care's response to domestic violence.
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First Impressions: Exposure to Violence and A Child’s Developing Brain

This informational video illustrates the dangers of chronic exposure to violence on a child's developing brain. Combining inspirational true-life stories and nationally recognized experts, viewers are given information on a child's developmental risk if regularly exposed to violent situations.
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Digital Tools
IPV Page

IPV Screening and Counseling Toolkit

Puzzled by all the details in new health care laws that benefit millions of women and girls? We’re here to help.
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Women who are experiencing abuse may not feel comfortable openly disclosing this information, for a variety of reasons. Health care providers must have good tools for detecting and assessing abuse.
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Start Strong: Lessons Learned From A Four-Year Initiative To Promote Healthy Relationships And Prevent Teen Dating Violence

Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships was a four-year project to target 11- to- 14-year-olds and rally entire communities to promote healthy relationships as the way to prevent teen dating violence and abuse.
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Addressing Domestic Violence in Home Visitation Programs

The Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010 and included provisions to support America’s Healthy Futures Act. It requires home visitation programs to measure a reduction in "crime or domestic violence".
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Teen Dating Violence and Reproductive Coercion

This presentation gives an overview of the research on violence and its impact on health. It will offer promising programs on how to respond and promote healthy relationships. Specific clinic based interventions will be featured.
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New DHHS Recommendation for Domestic Violence Screening and Counseling

This webinar will provide an overview of the new guidelines and discuss implications for domestic violence programs, share resources from the National Health Resource Centers on Domestic Violence and share models for collaboration between advocates and providers.
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Project Connect 2.0 State/Territory Application

Futures Without Violence is selecting new sites for Phase 2 of Project Connect: A Coordinated Public Health Initiative to Prevent and Respond to Violence Against Women (Project Connect 2.0).
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School-based Health Services, Adolescent Health and Anticipatory Guidance for DV/SA

This webinar guidelines will provide participants with strategies and tools to provide universal education on safe, consensual and healthy relationships, as well as models for trauma-informed responses to disclosure of ARA.
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Addressing Domestic Violence in Home Visitation Settings

This webinar will help home visitors understand how to screen, refer, and document these activities as part of routine programming.
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Strengthening Health Care-Based Domestic Violence Programs through Evaluation: Part 1

This webinar will address the importance of understanding and developing quality improvement measures and annual goals, where and how efforts should be targeted, alignment with organizational priorities, and overall program improvement.
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Strengthening Health Care-Based Domestic Violence Programs through Evaluation: Part 2

Building on Part 1, this webinar will focus on validated tools designed to evaluate the integration of a healthcare-based response to domestic violence, and measure physician preparedness to support patients experiencing DV.
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Addressing Domestic Violence within Home Visitation Settings: Children Exposed to Domestic Violence & Its Impact on Parenting

This webinar will introduce the issue of adults’ childhood experiences with violence. We will discuss the role of the home visitor in talking with parents about their childhood experiences.
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Promoting Healthy Teen Relationships: Preventing Teen Dating Violence

Specific clinic interventions will be featured and tools and resources for health care providers, teachers and parents will also be shared.
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Shifting the Paradigm: Building Program Capacity to Effectively Serve Mothers and their Children

This webinar will discuss how programs can begin to assess and build capacity to effectively provide holistic services for women and their children in a deliberate and coordinated way.
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A Survivor’s Journey: Understanding the Health Impact of Abuse and Paths to Promote Wellness

This webinar will explore the health impact of abuse from the experience of one survivor of violence, and discover how she learned to become proactive in her healthcare.
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Group Work with Mothers Experiencing Domestic Violence and their Children in Wisconsin

In this webinar, participants will learn what focus groups with battered mothers and children/youth exposed to domestic violence revealed about the impact of domestic abuse on family relationships.
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Redefining Safety Planning in the Context of Reproductive Coercion

This webinar will explore successes and barriers that reproductive coercion programs encountered and discuss promising practices based on their experiences.
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What Domestic Violence Advocates Need to Know About How New Health Policy Changes Can Help Survivors of Domestic Violence

This webinar will provide a basic overview of the new health policy changes that support screening and response to domestic violence (DV) by health care providers.
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Building A Health Care Response to Human Trafficking

Health care providers need education about the prevalence and dynamics of trafficking and how to effectively assess and intervene on behalf of trafficked victims.
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Improving existing, and creating new gendered violence prevention programs and policies on college campuses

Improving existing, and creating new gendered violence prevention programs and policies on college campuses: An organizing approach
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Extended ACA Enrollment Period and Hardship Exemptions for Victims of Domestic Violence

This webinar will offer advocates information about the enrollment extension, as well as information about how survivors can access a "hardship" exemption to avoid paying penalties if they are not able to enroll this year.
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The NJ and NY Initiatives on DV Advocates Co-Located in Local Child Protective Offices

To improve safety for families experiencing both DV and child maltreatment, many states are now piloting collaborative initiatives with the co-location of DV advocates into child protection.
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Making the Connection: Intimate Partner Violence and Public Health

This PowerPoint training and education tool distills the most recent data and promising practices on the health impact of violence on maternal child health, mental health, injury prevention, children and adolescents, and more.
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The Facts on Domestic, Dating, and Sexual Violence

Information and statistics on prevalence in the United States, risk factors, violence and teens and children, consequences of violence, emerging issues, and the prevalence globally.
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The Facts on Violence Against Women With HIV/AIDS

Information and statistics on the relationship between violence against women and sexually transmitted infections and HIV.
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Human Trafficking and Children: A Fact Sheet

Information and statistics on domestic violence within the Native American/Alaska Native communities including tribal/culturally sensitive topics and jurisdictional problems.
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Activities You Can Organize for Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day

Outreach activity ideas for patients, staff, and the community.
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Policy Paper

Congressional Briefing On “Violence and Abuse: How Health Systems can Help Prevent and Respond”

Remarks on the American Medical Association (AMA)'s commitment to assessing, treating, and preventing domestic violence and some of our recent activities in this arena.
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Futures Without Violence Vision for Healthy Relationships Education

Futures Without Violence identified core components we believe provide the basis for effective healthy relationships education.
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Emerging Issues Facing Teens and Tweens

Information and statistics on technology, electronic dating abuse, and sexting, forced sex and sexual coercion, bullying, and cyber bullying, and sexual harassment.
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The Facts on Preventing Violence Against Women and Children

Information and statistics on how violence against women and children is pervasive, harms from victimization or exposure, crime and incarceration of youth, and exposure to domestic violence.
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Intimate Partner Violence and Healthy People 2010 Fact Sheet

Information and statistics on domestic violence and leading health indicators.
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The Facts on Health Care and Domestic Violence

Information and statistics on the prevalence of domestic violence, health consequences, pregnancy, and children's health.
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The Facts on Children’s Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence

Information and statistics on children's exposure to intimate partner violence.
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The Facts on Adolescent Pregnancy, Reproductive Risk and Exposure to Dating and Family Violence

Information and statistics on how violence affects reproductive health and impacts risky behaviors.
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Develop a Collaborative Model of Care

Suggested protocol guidelines for a safe and effective response to abuse.
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Committee on Health Care for Underserved Women: Intimate Partner Violence

A discussion of how obstetrician-gynecologists are in unique position to assess and provide support for women who experience intimate partner violence.
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Trauma Informed Reporting of Domestic Violence and Child Abuse

Trauma informed reporting begins with recognizing that a report made against a patient’s wishes may lead to feelings of helplessness and frustration. This document includes a sample script and talking points.
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National Domestic Sexual And Dating Violence Resources And Referrals

Directory of hotlines and organizations for victims including special issues and culturally specific centers.
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Creating a Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Resource Sheet

A worksheet for local programs to document what services are offered.
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