Posts Categorized: Health


Using a Systems ­Model Approach to Improving IPV Services in a Large Health Care Organization

This summary will describe Kaiser Permanente’s systems model approach to delivering services for IPV, including how this approach has been implemented and evaluated.
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Protocol for Adolescent Relationship Abuse Prevention and Intervention

The purpose of this protocol to aid in the promotion of healthy relationships with adolescent patients and encourage assessment and support for adolescent relationship abuse with sexually active female patients.
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Sample Community Public Health Services Domestic Violence Protocol

The purpose of this protocol is to set a standard to improve both the quality of the care given by individual health care providers and the overall CPHS response to domestic violence.
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Sample Guidelines for Clinical Assessment and Intervention

This protocol is intended to assist medical professionals in complying with standards and thus improving service to this group of patients.
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Family Violence Office Self Assessment Tool

Form for health care providers to evaluate their office policies and procedures, office physical environment, office cultural environment, training for providers, assessment, documentation, management, evaluation, collaborative activities.
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Competencies Needed by Health Professionals for Addressing Exposure to Violence and Abuse in Patient Care

The following core competencies have been developed to help ensure that all health care professionals have a solid understanding of the problem, and gain the skills and confidence they will need to combat the epidemic of violence and abuse.
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Intimate Partner Violence in the United States: 2010 Study

Findings in this report are based on data from the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS).
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Sample Victim Registration Form

Sample victim registration form.
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Adverse Child Experience: Link Between Exposure and Health

Presentation slides detailing a study conducted with 17,421 participants on childhood exposure and health.
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Policy Paper

Domestic Violence and Home Visiting: Federal Policy Recommendations

Policy recommendations for home visitation programs.
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Intimate Partner Violence, Children & Early Childhood Home Visitation

Researchers emphasized the effects of intimate partner violence on children’s development.
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Sample Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between Home Visitation

The goals of this MOU is to help establish a deeper relationship between home visitation and domestic violence programs and create opportunities to connect pregnant and parenting women to home visitation services.
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Evidence for Home Visiting Programs to Reduce Intimate Partner Violence and related Health Disparities

An evaluation of domestic violence interventions in home visitation programs.
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Policy Paper

Screening for IPV By Health Care Providers: FVPSA Response

Key findings, recommendations, and the Affordable Care Act.
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Responding to Abuse Against Women with Disabilities

It is critical that health care providers recognize and respond to an expanded definition of domestic violence e when serving women with disabilities.
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How to Create a Health Care-Based Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Program

This document includes information pertaining to health care effects and costs of domestic violence, health care response to domestic violence, federal health care reform, and a model for creating domestic violence response in health care settings.
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Building and Strengthening Health Care-Based Domestic Violence Programs Resource List

Listing of Guidelines, State Statutes and Reporting Policies , Program Development, Health Care Professional Training, Evaluation, Tools and Materials, Reference Books, IOM, Recommendations, Employee Assistance, and Position Statements.
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Sample Domestic Violence and Strangulation Policy

This policy includes sample language surrounding the policy, procedure, and documentation for routine screening, indicators, intervention, community resources.
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Compendium of State/Territory Statutes and Policies on Domestic Violence and Health Care

The Compendium is an at-a glance summary of state and U.S. territory laws, regulations and other activities relevant to addressing domestic violence in health care settings.
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Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act (Hippa): Summary Of Federal Medical Privacy Protections For Victims Of Domestic Violence

Developed for health care professionals, this resource guide discusses the implications of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) for domestic violence reporting.
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Greenbook: Effective Interventions In Domestic Violence And Child Maltreatment Guidelines For Policy And Practice

Effective Interventions offers a comprehensive set of policy recommendations designed to increase safety for mothers and children experiencing both domestic violence and child maltreatment.
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Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies

The poster sends the message that babies and kids thrive when their moms thrive. Moms thrive in healthy relationships—ones that are respectful, nurturing and caring.
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Hanging Out or Hooking Up Poster

The poster identifies aspects of both healthy and unhealthy relationships, encourages talking to a healthcare provider if the reader or someone they know has questions or is experiencing abuse.
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Hanging Out or Hooking Up: Clinical Guidelines on Responding to Adolescent Relationship Abuse: An Integrated Approach to Prevention and Intervention

These are guidelines focused on the transformative role of the adolescent health care provider in preventing, identifying and addressing adolescent relationship abuse (ARA).
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When You Bring Your New Baby Home

When You Bring Your New Baby Home Poster.
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When Mom Gets Abused Her Children Suffer Too

This poster was designed for pediatric health care settings and identifies for parents how domestic violence may impact the health of their child.
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The Amazing Teen Brain: What Every Parent Needs to Know

The Amazing Brain series of booklets is designed to educate parents and caregivers about early brain development, the effects of trauma on the brain, and the potential for the brain to heal and grow.
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Amazing Brain: What Every Parent or Caregiver Needs to Know

The Amazing Brain series of booklets is designed to educate parents and caregivers about early brain development, the effects of trauma on the brain, and the potential for the brain to heal and grow.
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Amazing Brain: Trauama and the Potential for Healing

The Amazing Brain series of booklets is designed to educate parents and caregivers about early brain development, the effects of trauma on the brain, and the potential for the brain to heal and grow.
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The Amazing Brain and Discipline: Positive Parenting Builds Healthy Brains

The Amazing Brain series of booklets is designed to educate parents and caregivers about early brain development, the effects of trauma on the brain, and the potential for the brain to heal and grow.
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Safe Homes, Safe Babies: Perinatal Safety Card

This tool also functions as a prompt for perinatal health care providers by providing quick phrases to improve discussions with women about the impact of domestic violence on their parenting and children.
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Connected Parents, Connected Kids Safety Card

Connected Parents, Connected Kids is a safety card designed for parents that health care providers can distribute as part of universal education. In addition to providing safety resources for women, this tool also functions as a prompt for health care providers to discuss Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the impact on parenting.
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Healthy Moms, Happy Kids: Pediatric Safety Card

Healthy Moms, Happy Kids is a safety card for moms that pediatric health care providers can distribute as part of routine care. In addition to providing safety resources for women, this tool also functions as a prompt for pediatric health care providers by providing quick phrases to improve discussions with women about the impact of domestic violence on their parenting and children.
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Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies: Home Visitor Safety Card

This tool functions as a prompt for home visitors by providing quick phrases to improve discussions with women about the impact of domestic violence on their parenting and children.
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Hanging Out or Hooking Up: Teen Safety Card

The card challenges all teens to consider how their boyfriend/girlfriend treats them, identifying dynamics of healthy relationships and signs that may indicate abuse.
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Violence Doesn’t Have to be Part of Your Life

This poster was specifically designed to encourage Asian patients in health care settings to talk to their health care provider about domestic violence.
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Violence Destroys: Keep Families Sacred

This poster was developed for use in health care and community-based programs and encourages patients to talk to their health care provider about domestic violence.
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Did You Know Your Relationship Affects Your Health?

The poster asks patients whether they have experienced reproductive coercion—forced sex, birth control sabotage, coerced pregnancy, or violence—by an intimate partner.
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Nobody Deserves to be Abused

This poster was designed specifically for health care settings and encourages women to talk to their health care providers about domestic violence.
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Feeling Alone? Don’t Know Who to Talk To?

This poster was developed for use in all health care settings to encourage patients to talk to their providers about domestic violence.
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Contrary to Popular Belief, Straight People Do Not Have a Monopology on Abusive Relationships

This poster was designed to encourage lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender-identified individuals to talk to their health care providers about relationship abuse.
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Are You Tired of Making Excuses for Him?

This poster was designed for use in health care settings and encourages patients to talk to their health care providers about domestic violence.
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Voices of Survivors: Domestic Violence Survivors Educate Physicians

Voices of Survivors addresses the dynamics of domestic violence, its prevalence, and the need for providers to routinely assess patients for abuse.
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Screen to End Abuse

The Screen to End Abuse DVD includes five clinical vignettes demonstrating techniques for assessing and responding to domestic violence in primary care settings.
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The National Health Care Standards Campaign Model Practices

This document summarizes the experiences and outcomes of 15 U.S. states that enacted state-wide public health responses to domestic violence.
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The National Consensus Guidelines on Identifying and Responding to Domestic Violence Victimization in Health Care Settings

This was developed to assist health care providers in addressing domestic violence victimiztion, assessment, intervention, referral and documentation.
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Relationships, Support, and Wellness: Mental Health Safety Card

The card poses simple questions to help women examine whether their relationship is healthy and safe, while exploring potential impacts on health and mental health.
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Is Your Relationship Affecting Your Health: Safety Card

The card helps women recognize how their relationship impacts their health as well as the lives of their children and provides information on safety planning.
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Did You Know Your Relationship Affects Your Health: Reproductive Safety Card

The card prompts patients to ask themselves whether they are in a healthy relationship or if they have experienced reproductive coercion—forced sex, birth control sabotage, forced pregnancy, or violence—by an intimate partner.
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