February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month


Teen dating violence can happen to anyone, from the straight A student to those who are chronically absent. It can be subtle.  A teen starts feeling like their partner is trying to control them, pulling them away from their friends, refusing to trust them, convincing them to skip class, telling them who they can text, sexting them, belittling them, spreading rumors about them.

Despite its prevalence – 1 in 3 teens will experience physical, sexual or emotional abuse from their intimate partners – teens may not even recognize it as abuse. That’s why it’s so important for parents and adults to know what it looks like so they can offer support and guidance.

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month and we have a lot of resources to share.

For Healthcare Providers

For Teenagers

For Violence Prevention Advocates and Parents

For Coaches

  • Learn about teaching boys about healthy relationships with our Coaching Boys Into Men workshops coming up in March and April. Go to Become a CBIM Advocate.

For Policy Leaders