Intimate Partner Violence in Immigrant and Refugee Communities: Challenges, Promising Practices, and Recommendations
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation solicited the assistance of the Futures Without Violence (FWV) to collect information on the challenges, prevention and treatment of intimate partner violence (IPV) in immigrant and refugee communities.
After reviewing the literature, collecting data from interviews and examining existing prevention and treatment programs, FWV issued this report, which offers recommendations and summaries for future work and funding efforts.
The report contains four sections:
- Background information, including a definition of IPV, data about the incidence of this problem, and discussion of special dynamics in refugee and immigrant communities.
- An overview of the needs and challenges of immigrant and refugee IPV victims and service providers, including case studies that draw on interviews with leaders and staff of seven programs across the United States.
- Recommendations for funders, service providers and policy-makers to serve the various needs of IPV victims.
- A discussion of IPV research and evaluation issues that need to be addressed in refugee and immigrant communities