January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month


Human trafficking affects nearly 27.6 million people worldwide, including tens of thousands of people here in the United States. It involves individuals — mostly women and girls — being bought, sold, and forced into labor and/or sexual exploitation. Like domestic violence, trafficking is about power and control.

Futures Without Violence works to prevent and respond to this violation of human rights by:

  • Training healthcare professionals, advocates, and organizations addressing intimate partner violence to work collaboratively in responding to and supporting survivors of human trafficking
  • Promoting survivor-centered and trauma-informed strategies to support the needs of survivors of human trafficking, domestic violence, and sexual assault
  • Addressing vulnerabilities that put individuals at risk for trafficking and exploitation
  • Advocating for more effective support at the national and global levels through our policy work

Join one of our upcoming opportunities to learn more about how your organization can address human trafficking.

Access more resources and tools through our Futures Without Violence anti-human trafficking projects here:

Finally, share the National Human Trafficking Hotline information with anyone who is, or knows someone who is experiencing human trafficking:
call 1-888-373-7888, email help@humantraffickinghotline.org, text HELP to 233733 (BEFREE) or chat at www.humantraffickinghotline.org

Upcoming Opportunities

Webinar: Collaborative Support for the Mental Health Needs of Survivors of Human Trafficking
Wednesday January 28, 11:00 am PST / 2:00 EST
Description: This webinar will explore strategies for staff in service agencies on how to best collaborate with mental health services that survivors may need.

In-person Training Institute: Building Collaborative Responses to Trafficking Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence
Wednesday March 12- Friday March 14, 2025, Fort Lauderdale, Fl
Description: To improve collaboration among professionals working with survivors of human trafficking, the Institute will bring together staff working in domestic and sexual violence programs, anti-human trafficking programs, healthcare and community-based programs as well as attorneys and law enforcement. The training will strengthen multi-disciplinary, collaborative strategies in responding to adult and youth survivors of trafficking who have also experienced domestic violence or sexual assault.
APPLY by January 29
Please apply with a team of 2-4 people from different organizations. Each team must have at least one member from a domestic violence or sexual assault organization.

Tools & Resources