Macy’s Thank-a-Mom Challenge a Success!

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You helped us raise thousands of dollars sending thousands of Mother’s Day e-cards, and for that we say THANK YOU! We set a goal of sending 50,000 Mother’s Day e-cards to the special women in our lives, and because of your contributions, we not only reached, but exceeded it! We thanked our moms, sisters, aunts and grandmothers – and all for a great cause!

For each e-card you sent, Macy’s donated $2 to FUTURES. Money raised through the Macy’s Thank-a-Mom challenge will support our violence prevention and education programs focused on critical issues—from bullying and digital abuse to domestic violence and sexual assault.

This year was an even bigger success than last, and it’s all because of your efforts! Even though the fundraising campaign is over, you can keep sending the outstanding women in your lives Mother’s Day e-cards. All you have to do is visit the Macy’s Thank-a-Mom Facebook app and choose Futures Without Violence as the charity recipient. Then, celebrate all of the Moms in your life! Send up to 15 e-cards via Facebook, and 10 cards via email per day.