Search Results for: human trafficking


Addressing Gender-Based Violence Through the Lens of Intersectionality

When I first looked at the Futures Without Violence website, …

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Anna Marjavi

Director, Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation

As a Director at Futures Without Violence, Anna leads the HRSA-funded NTTAP, Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation with a focus on community health centers. Working across public health and health delivery systems …

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Program Manager, Social Justice

Mónica Arenas is a Program Manager at Futures Without Violence, working on the Rights and Social Justice Project and Legal Program. Ms. Arenas has participated in the development and implementation of training programs and technical assistance …

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Program News

Brandy Britton, Project Catalyst Grantee, Featured in Local News

Brandy Britton is leading efforts to engage health centers from across Arkansas on IPV and Human Trafficking prevention and intervention, as part of Project Catalyst, a FUTURES multi-state initiative.  Her partners include leaders from the AR Domestic Violence Coalition …

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Press Release

Project Catalyst: Statewide Transformation on Health and IPV

Tracy Tierney, Futures Without Violence


Project Catalyst: Statewide Transformation on Health and IPV

Four state leadership teams across the nation receive funding, training, and support to address intimate partner violence and human trafficking across their
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Building Reign Capitol Usa Washington Politics

Group of Senators Are Concerned For Immigrant Survivors

On July 18, 2017, a group of Senators stood up …

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Case Management Approaches to Support Trafficked Victims/ Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

Title: Case Management Approaches to Support Trafficked Victims/Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

Date:  Tuesday, March 21, 2017

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Collaborating to Address the Needs of Trafficked Survivors with Disabilities

Title: Collaborating to Address the Needs of Trafficked Survivors with Disabilities

Date:  January 19, 2017


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Young Arabic girls at school_featured image

Using Communications to Help End Violence Against Women

Alana Garvin from our policy team talks about best practices and trends for creating effective communications material to help end violence against women across the globe.
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Material Index

Resources for Working with Immigrant Women

Resource list including bilingual materials
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Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day (HCADV Day)

October 9th, 2024 is the 25th annual Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day

Health Cares About Domestic Violence (HCADV) Day is an annual, nationally recognized day that takes place on the second Wednesday of October. Sponsored by FUTURES, HCADV Day …

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Frequently Asked Questions

If you haven’t been able to find the information you’re looking for, please take a look at this list of Frequently Asked Questions.
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Where We Are

Learn more our headquarters in San Francisco, CA, the Center for Leadership and Action.
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Low Wage, High Risk Pilot Site Project

In 2014, FUTURES launched Low Wage, High Risk, a pilot site project to address the vulnerability of low-wage workers to gender-based violence and exploitation.  The project focuses primarily on the retail, food service, hotel, homecare, and agricultural sectors—where workers …

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Reimagining Financial Literacy for Survivors

Title: Re-imagining Financial Literacy for Survivors

Description: Financial literacy is considered a key component of economic empowerment for many service providers in the anti-trafficking and domestic violence field. However, topics like budgeting, savings and managing credit do not always

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Take Action For Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women 2022

Cross-posted with permission from the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center.

In recognition of the 2022 National Week of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, the National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence hosted by FUTURES and the National

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16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence 2021

Annual international campaign from 25 November to 10 December


The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and …

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Supporting Survivors at the Intersection of Immigration and Child Welfare

This webinar will discuss the current research about detention and the importance of trauma-informed approaches for survivors and their children. Presenters will discuss guidelines for child welfare to support family reunification when a parent is in detention and share how COVID-19 has affected immigrant families who are involved with child welfare. They will highlight the importance of enhanced safety planning to make sure immigrant survivors know their rights and can access help.
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Senate Introduces Resolution to End Violence Against Children Worldwide

“Congress and the State Department have been working on multiple fronts to promote global economic development,” Boozman said, “but failure to address violence against children — horrific acts like trafficking and child labor as well as proximity to violent conflicts …

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Leila Milani

Program Director, Global Policy & Advocacy

Leila Rassekh Milani, JD, MA leads FUTURES work on global violence prevention, with a focus on women and children. In this capacity, she is instrumental in developing innovative policy solutions, driving advocacy efforts, and …

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Support Legislation to Keep Central American Families Together and Address Root Causes of Violence

Current Co-Sponsors (28): Engel, Torres, Espaillat, Sires, Crowley, Gutierrez, Wasserman Schultz, Norton, Raskin, Meeks, Huffman, Deutch, Correa, Khanna, Lee, Soto, Lewis, Pallone, Velazquez, Gonzalez, Napolitano, Titus, Blumenauer, Rosen, Gomez, Maloney (Sean Patrick), Welch, Veasey,


Organizations in Support: …

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Immigration: We Can Balance Support with Security

While many incoming freshmen college athletes are looking ahead and …

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Our Strategies

Our Strategies leverage 35 years of experience in the power of collective action by bringing together government, healthcare, workplace human rights, business and education organizations to create a society-wide web of healing and prevention. Together, we are creating a future …

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Why we need to empower every girl across the globe

FUTURES' Senior International Policy Advocate Leila Milani explains why the the newly-released U.S. Global Strategy to Empower Adolescent Girls is so critical to ending gender-based violence worldwide.
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16 Days of Activism is Ending, But Our Commitment to Education Isn’t

While 16 Days of Activism is coming to a close, FUTURES will continue our commitment to helping women and girls across the globe reach their full political, social, and economic potential.
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The National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence

First Virtual!
National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence

April 27-30, 2021

Hosted by the National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence, the 9th National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence (NCHDV) and first virtual conference, focused on the intersections …

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