RESPECT! Challenge 2013

Respect captains

In 2013, we received thousands of entries from people across America telling us who they wanted to thank for teaching them respect.

The national grand prize winner of a $10,000 donation, a VIP trip to New York City for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, and $500 Macy’s gift card was Casey Chow of California. Casey submitted a spoken word video about his father, who he thanks for teaching him the meaning of respect. Casey will donate his prize money to the Donaldina Cameron House, a nonprofit serving the Asian communities in the San Francisco Bay Area. Eight regional winners received $2,500 for a school or nonprofit organization of their choice, a $2,500 scholarship, and a $250 Macy’s gift card.

To encourage participation in the contest, FUTURES collaborated with Maker Studios to produce a RESPECT! Challenge video featuring YouTube sensations such as Chester See and GloZell. Take a look below!

Meet the 2013 RESPECT! Regional Captains

  • Susan Brostrup-Jensen – Boston, MA
  • Caitlin Burke – Cincinnati, OH
  • Stephanie M. Clark – Miami, FL
  • Crystal Mozell – Los Angeles, CA
  • Melanie McQueen – Chicago, IL
  • McCandless Petty – San Francisco, CA
  • Shannon Sandrea MS, LPC – Austin, TX
  • Naliaka Wakhisi – New York, NY

Read more about the Regional Captains.