Respect Effect: Small Actions Make a Big Difference


1 in 3 teens is a victim of dating abuse, and 1 in 4 teens is harassed or abused through technology.

That’s why it’s so important to give teens a digital tool that teaches them to respect their partners, their peers, and themselves.

With this vision in mind, That’s Not Cool, Futures Without Violence’s teen dating violence prevention program, is very proud to unveil its mobile application: Respect Effect.

Respect Effect was developed in partnership with teens and focuses on building the skills young people need to keep themselves safe, to promote positivity and respect (online and off!), and to create and sustain healthy relationships.

To develop these skills, the app provides daily challenges that ask teens to think about and practice being a supportive partner, setting their own boundaries, and self-care. Users can share challenges they’ve completed through posts within the app, and the “like” and “comment” features allow users to provide encouragement to one another. Users who have completed the most challenges are featured on the Leaderboard, and the Activity Map shows users where challenges have been completed in their community.

Respect Effect is available for download in the App Store and on Google Play. Encourage the teens in your life to build and maintain healthy relationships with Respect Effect!


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