Samantha Daniels

Sam_SLCSamantha Daniels

Samantha, mother, advocate, author, domestic violence and trauma survivor.  My Faith gives me the strength I need to continue to push through.   I love to help others through encouragement and service.   I have been working at an amazing non-profit who provides services to children and families for 20 years and I have been doing volunteer work with My Sister’s Place for almost 10 years now.  What inspires me to do this advocacy, public health work is my daughter and the countless other people who should not have to live in a world where they are fearful of being in relationships and scared of love.  They should only read about it in history books as a terrible public health pandemic that was eradicated.   I am also inspired by other survivors who in spite of everything found the courage and bravery within themselves to fight back and go from surviving to thriving.  We know the effects of being in a domestic violence situation can go on long after the person leaves their abuser so support is needed there as well.  It is my honor to turn my Pain into Purpose and be a voice for those that have not yet found it, so they can find theirs also.

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