Search Results for: screening

Access to Health Care for Survivors

For many survivors of domestic and sexual violence, access to health care is a vital part of healing and self-determination. Futures Without Violence is working with advocates and health providers to get survivors across the country the access to the …

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Teen couple fighting

Sexual assault can happen in relationships, too.

FUTURES Health Program Director Anna Marjavi and La Clínica del Pueblo highlight the fact that even women in long-term relationships can be vulnerable to sexual abuse.
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Reimbursement and Payment Strategies for DV/Health Partnerships Webinar

This webinar will help domestic and sexual violence (DSV) advocates understand the evolving health care landscape and make strategic choices as they decide whether and how to partner with health care providers in order to promote sustainability and collaboration.
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women on rooftop

How to Support Women Living with HIV/AIDS on World AIDS Day

Over 60 percent of HIV-positive women have been sexually abused—five times the rate in the general population. Learn how to make a difference on World AIDS Day and beyond!
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The Hunting Ground Logo

#TheHuntingGround Twitter Chat

Join #TheHuntingGround Twitter chat on Friday, November 20th at 11am PST/2pm EST! Hear from our panel of experts, including Avon Foundation for Women, National Women's Law Center, End Rape on Campus and more.
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Setting and Community Specific Resources

The Futures Without Violence National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence has developed several guidelines, tool kits, safety cards, posters and other resources that are specific to various communities and healthcare settings.

Setting and community specific tools are best use …

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Digital Tools

Sex, Relationships, and Respect on Campus: Training slides for campus health settings

t Your Back: The Role of the Campus Health Center in Preventing and Responding to Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence training slide set provides strategies and tools for providers, staff, and students working in campus-based health settings...
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Sex, Relationships, and Respect on Campus Guide for Addressing Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence in Campus Health Settings

The Who’s Got Your Back: Guide for Addressing Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence in Campus Health Settings handbook provides strategies, tools and resources for providers, staff and students working in campus based health settings to incorporate intimate partner and sexual violence prevention and response into their work.
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Open Enrollment: How the Affordable Care Act can help patients experiencing domestic and interpersonal violence

Survivors of domestic violence (DV) can now apply for and enroll in health insurance coverage through the federal Marketplace (gov) at any time during the year. They do not need to wait for Open Enrollment to begin. This Special Enrollment Period (SEP) is available to anyone who has experienced DV. Join this webinar to hear key steps and strategies for how to help clients enroll in healthcare and understand the domestic violence provisions in the Affordable Care Act.
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Pittsburgh Steeler William Gay in Purple Cleats

Most Inspiring Moments from Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2015!

Our director of communications shares her most inspiring moments from National Domestic Violence Awareness month this year.
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Elder Abuse: Raising Awareness and Impact on Health

This webinar aims to raise awareness about the issue of elder abuse and help participants recognize elder abuse and identify the most appropriate resources for referrals.
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Educational Videos for Health Care Providers and Advocates

These 31 educational videos are meant to be used by health care providers who are interested in incorporating evidence-based and trauma-informed practices for universal education as well as assessment and response to intimate partner violence and reproductive coercion as well …

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Special Enrollment Period for Survivors: How the Affordable Care Act can help patients experiencing intimate partner violence

This webinar will provide a basic overview of the coverage requirements in the Affordable Care Act and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force’s “B” recommendation for screening and intervention for domestic violence (DV).
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VAWA Biden

Top Ten Moments at the 2015 National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence

Top ten moments from the 2015 National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence.
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Open Enrollment AND Beyond: How the Affordable Care Act can help patients experiencing domestic and interpersonal violence

This webinar covers key steps and strategies for how to help clients enroll in healthcare and understand the domestic violence provisions in the Affordable care act.
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Female heath practitioner in hospital room

Guest Blog Post: Exploring the Intersection Between Domestic Violence and HIV

On World Aids Day, guest blogger Surabhi Kukke explores the intersection between domestic violence and HIV.
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Female heath practitioner in hospital room

Guest Blog Post: What Domestic Violence Survivors Need to Know About Affordable Health Coverage

Guest blogger Lena O'Rourke explains the Affordable Care Act and what it means to survivors of domestic violence. This post is part of a series on the 2015 National Conference on Health and Domestic VIolence.
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New updates on how the Affordable Care Act can help patients experiencing domestic and interpersonal violence

This webinar provides a basic overview of the coverage requirements in the Affordable Care Act and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force’s “B” recommendation for screening and intervention for domestic violence (DV).
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health staff

Celebrating Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day!

Today is Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day, an opportunity for domestic violence programs and health centers to shine a light on the important role the health care community plays in addressing and preventing intimate partner violence.
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Material Index

Health Materials for Patients, Providers, and Advocates

An index of health and domestic violence related materials offered by Futures Without Violence.
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Human Trafficking: The Role of the Health Care Provider

This webinar will provide clinicians with knowledge on trafficking and give specific tools for screening, assist victims in the clinical setting, and understand reporting requirements.
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Promoting Wellness: Incorporating Health Care into Advocacy

Olga Trujillo, an attorney, speaker, author & survivor, will illustrate through her own experience of violence and coping, how she discovered the importance of becoming proactive in her health care.
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Our involvement in the program has demonstrated to our community clinic the necessity to integrate domestic violence screening…it is no longer an add-on to our tasks, it is a part …

— John, Clinic Director, San Diego
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Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day Action Kit

Examples of activities you can organize, social media posts, and past events.
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Program News
Hanging out or Hooking Up logo

Hanging Out or Hooking Up?

For one in five U.S. teen girls, the most vivid memories of high school will not be her junior prom or a favorite history teacher. Instead,20% of teen girls will remember the physical abuse inflicted by someone they were dating.
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Program News
health graphic to share

Using Social Media to Increase Awareness

These shareable graphic ads can support your marketing for upcoming health/DV trainings or efforts, or help get the conversation started.
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Program News

Domestic Violence and Health Care Protocols

Futures Without Violence has selected model protocols from various health care settings across the U.S. and highlights on the health care practice that has implemented this protocol.
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Invisible War

Military Rape Victims Speak Up in New Documentary: The Invisible War

The Invisible War examines the epidemic of rape within the US military. Today, a female soldier in Iraq and Afghanistan is more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than killed by enemy fire.
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Program News
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Advocates Turn Horrific Events Into Successful Call for Action

Rates of rape and sexual assault often spike during times of conflict or crisis, like the current situations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Pushing the Elephant tells the story of how Rose Mapendo survived brutal violence in war-torn DRC.
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Program News
family shadow

Family to Family Initiative

In 2005, the Futures Without Violence began concentrated work on the F2F initiative, a program of the Annie E. Casey Foundation that prioritizes the safety of children exposed to domestic violence.
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Program News
Woman in counseling

Healthcare-Based Domestic Violence Programs

The healthcare-based DV model approach, applicable to hospitals and clinical settings, enables the staff of a health care institution in conjunction with local DV and sexual assault (SA) programs to respond in a comprehensive manner.
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Digital Tools

Health e-Bulletin

Archive of the Health E-Bulletin issues.
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Program News
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DOJ Announces Report Findings

This extensive report addresses the national crisis. The report is a vital component of a national program that has awarded grants to eight cities, counties, and tribal communities to develop strategic plans for community-based efforts that will address and prevent childhood exposure to violence.
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Addressing Domestic Violence in Home Visitation Settings

This webinar will help home visitors understand how to screen, refer, and document these activities as part of routine programming.
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Strengthening Health Care-Based Domestic Violence Programs through Evaluation: Part 2

Building on Part 1, this webinar will focus on validated tools designed to evaluate the integration of a healthcare-based response to domestic violence, and measure physician preparedness to support patients experiencing DV.
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What Domestic Violence Advocates Need to Know About How New Health Policy Changes Can Help Survivors of Domestic Violence

This webinar will provide a basic overview of the new health policy changes that support screening and response to domestic violence (DV) by health care providers.
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Sample Community Public Health Services Domestic Violence Protocol

The purpose of this protocol is to set a standard to improve both the quality of the care given by individual health care providers and the overall CPHS response to domestic violence.
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Sample Guidelines for Clinical Assessment and Intervention

This protocol is intended to assist medical professionals in complying with standards and thus improving service to this group of patients.
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Sample Domestic Violence and Strangulation Policy

This policy includes sample language surrounding the policy, procedure, and documentation for routine screening, indicators, intervention, community resources.
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The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study

The ACE Study is ongoing collaborative between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Kaiser Permanente. It reveals staggering proof of the health, social, and economic risks that result from childhood trauma.
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The National Health Care Standards Campaign Model Practices

This document summarizes the experiences and outcomes of 15 U.S. states that enacted state-wide public health responses to domestic violence.
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Relationships, Support, and Wellness: Mental Health Safety Card

The card poses simple questions to help women examine whether their relationship is healthy and safe, while exploring potential impacts on health and mental health.
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Improving the Health Care Response to Domestic Violence: A Resource Manual

This resource manual aims to educate health care providers on how to improve their response to domestic violence. It contains Information, Practical Tools, and Ideas.
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Building a Domestic Violence Health Care Response in Indian Country

A 2008 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report on health and violence found that 39 percent of Native women reported that they were victims of intimate partner violence.
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Sex, Relationships, and Respect on Campus Safety Card

This safety card is designed for college-aged women and men. The card details the high prevalence of sexual assaults on campus and defines consent.
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National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence


For almost two decades, the National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence (HRC) has supported health care professionals, domestic violence experts, survivors, and policy makers at all levels as they improve health care’s response to domestic violence.

The HRC …

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Home Visitation

When it comes to promoting health and safety outcomes for families impacted by violence and trauma, research has shown that home visitation programs can make a significant difference in the lives of survivors of violence. Based on this evidence, The …

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Program News
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ACOG Tells OB-GYNs To Look For Reproductive Coercion

Womens' doctors should be on the lookout for patients whose partners are unduly pressuring them to become pregnant — or even sabotaging their efforts to use contraception.
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