Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships – Evaluation

Title: Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships – Evaluation

Date Recorded: September 17, 2013

Description: Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships was a four-year, $18 million initiative funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in partnership with Blue Shield of California Foundation to target 11- to- 14-year-olds and rally entire communities to promote healthy relationships as the way to prevent teen dating violence and abuse. 11 diverse communities across the United States utilized a variety of collaborative strategies to engage youth, parents and other influencers in the effort to foster healthy relationship skills in young teens. Results from evaluation of Start Strong initiative will be presented.


  • Laura Hogan, Futures Without Violence, Start Strong Co-Director
  • Dr. Shari Miller, RTI International, Research Psychologist
  • Deborah A. Gibbs, MSPH, RTI International, Deputy Program Director