Strengthening Health Care-Based Domestic Violence Programs through Evaluation: Part 1
Title: Strengthening Health Care-Based Domestic Violence Programs through Evaluation: Part 1
Date Recorded: January 8, 2013
Description: Many health care facilities across the U.S. have hired domestic violence/sexual assault (DV/SA) advocates to provide on-site services or utilize trained social workers and other trained health care staff to provide DV/SA intervention and referral. These models also focus on system change through policy/procedure development and staff training. Ongoing evaluation is a critical component to measure the effectiveness of such programs. This webinar is for new and experienced DV/SA advocates, health care administrators/providers and students who want to learn more about evaluating health care-based DV/SA programs. This webinar will address the importance of understanding and developing quality improvement measures and annual goals that evaluate how the program is doing; where and how efforts should be targeted; alignment with organizational priorities; and overall program improvement. The presenters will also talk about their experiences in the health care settings and how evaluation helped make their programs successful.
- Nancy Durborow, Retired, former Health Projects Manager, PA Coalition Against Domestic Violence
- Krista J. Kotz, PhD, MPH, Family Violence Prevention Program, Kaiser Permanente Northern California Region
- Annie Lewis-O’Connor, NP, MPH, PhD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
- Brigid McCaw, MD, MPH, MS, Family Violence Prevention Program, Kaiser Permanente Northern California Region
- Colleen T. Moore, Family Violence Response Program, Mercy Medical Center