Take Action – Teen Economic Abuse
Teen economic abuse is common among teens who reported being in abusive relationships and those who did not report being in abusive relationships. The impact of this behavior can have detrimental impacts on their career trajectories and future financial independence. We all have a role to play in preventing economic abuse. Take Action today:
Educators and school staff can play a large role in preventing and responding to adolescent economic abuse, by recognizing the impacts abusive behavior may have on student engagement and offering support to ensure students can thrive.
Despite common misconceptions, the majority of teens surveyed reported that parents and guardians play a primary role in shaping their views on healthy relationships and financial decision making in relationships. Learn how to talk to your child about economic abuse.
Economic abuse shows up and work. Vocational programs and workplace supervisors should be aware of the ways in which an abusive partner may distrupt employment and help connect those individuals to supportive resources to prevent them from losing a job or dropping out of a program.
Take Action – Financial Control
Financial control – often the most recognized form of economic abuse -is not just an element of abusive adult relationships, teens can also have a partner seeking to control or exploit their financial resources.