That’s Not Cool: Teen Dating Violence and Healthy Relationships in the Digital Age
Title: That’s Not Cool: Teen Dating Violence and Healthy Relationships in the Digital Age
Date: Tuesday, February 19th, 2019
Time: 2:00pm – 3:30pm Eastern Standard Time
To view a recording of this webinar, click here
To view the webinar slides as a PDF, click here
To download the closed captioning transcript as a .docx file, click here
That’s Not Cool website:
Cool Not Cool quiz:
Sound Relationships Nutrition Label, Boston Public Health Commission: (Opens as a PDF)
“U R Breaking Up!?” Tool, Boston Public Health Commission: (Opens as a PDF)
Promising Futures website:
Webinar Description:
That’s Not Cool is an award-winning national public education initiative that uses engaging digital tools to promote healthy relationships and prevent teen dating abuse. Through an interactive website, learning tools, and mobile apps, That’s Not Cool provides a robust resource library for teens and adult allies alike, featuring culturally responsive prevention and intervention strategies, as well as youth-driven prevention programs. Join our webinar to learn more about That’s Not Cool’s resources and tools, and to get everything you need to jump into action this Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.
Learning Objectives:
After the webinar, participants will have:
• Increased knowledge about innovative, youth-driven teen dating violence prevention education programming.
• Expanded understanding of strategies to engage youth in online spaces for violence prevention education and intervention.
• Strengthened ability to introduce That’s Not Cool’s digital tools as resources for advocates and adult allies to support teen dating violence prevention programming.
Presenter: Eleanor Davis, Program Specialist, Public Education Campaigns and Programs, Futures Without Violence
Questions? Please contact Jess Fournier at
This webinar is supported by Grant Number 90EV0434-01-00 from the Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Family and Youth Services Bureau, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Points of view in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official positions or policies of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.