The Facts on Domestic, Dating, and Sexual Violence
Information and statistics on prevalence in the United States, risk factors, violence and teens and children, consequences of violence, emerging issues, and the prevalence globally.
Elizabeth, many girls and women often travel in darkness to water sources so they can return before sunrise. During this time, they are more susceptible to violence and sexual assault. In Zambia and other countries, girls know there is a risk of rape every time they leave their homes to fetch water. But neglecting their water collecting duties, or waiting until a safer hour of the day, are not choices these women are allowed to make.
This webinar will discuss the current research about detention and the importance of trauma-informed approaches for survivors and their children. Presenters will discuss guidelines for child welfare to support family reunification when a parent is in detention and share how COVID-19 has affected immigrant families who are involved with child welfare. They will highlight the importance of enhanced safety planning to make sure immigrant survivors know their rights and can access help.
This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.