Leila Milani

leila-milaniProgram Director, Global Policy & Advocacy

Leila Milani is the Program Director for Global Policy and Advocacy for Futures Without Violence, where she leads their work on global violence prevention, with a focus on women and children. In this capacity, she is instrumental in developing innovative policy solutions, driving advocacy efforts, securing resources, and influencing the agendas of national coalitions such as Girls Not Brides, Coalition for Adolescent Girls, the US Civil Society Working Group on Women, Peace, and Security, End Violence Against Children Task Force, and the Coalition to End Violence Against Women and Girls Globally, for which she serves on the executive committee. Milani has traveled extensively to Eastern Africa where she has led innovative programming around engagement of men and boys in advancing gender equality.

Milani serves on the Board of Directors of Soccer Without Borders which aims to use soccer as a vehicle for positive changeToo Young To Wed which works to empower girls and end child marriage globally, and Women’s Refugee Commission, which catalyzes transformative change to protect and empower women, children, and youth displaced by conflict and crisis.  She was recently invited to serve on the Mona Foundation Board of Advisory, which addresses the root causes of poverty and inequality by supporting grassroots organizations around the world that educate children, empower women and girls, and foster ethics and service to develop change agents. Milani is a lawyer and human rights advocate with special expertise on women’s rights, children’s rights, and human rights. She earned her JD from Wake Forest University, an MA from University of Virginia Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, and a BS from Auburn University.


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