Search Results for: domestic violence


Evidence for Home Visiting Programs to Reduce Intimate Partner Violence and related Health Disparities

An evaluation of domestic violence interventions in home visitation programs.
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Breaking the Cycle: Fathering After Violence, Curriculum Guidelines and Tools for Batterer Intervention Programs

The Batterer Intervention Program curriculum guidelines and tools presented in this document are part of a larger effort to engage all men – both non-violent men and those who have used violence.
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Violence Doesn’t Have to be Part of Your Life

This poster was specifically designed to encourage Asian patients in health care settings to talk to their health care provider about domestic violence.
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Violence Destroys: Keep Families Sacred

This poster was developed for use in health care and community-based programs and encourages patients to talk to their health care provider about domestic violence.
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Family Violence Quality Assessment Tool for Primary Care Offices

The tool may be used to assess family violence efforts in primary care at the beginning of a program’s implementation and intermittently when focusing on family violence as a quality improvement goal.
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The Nursing Role in the Routine Assessment for Intimate Partner Violence

This document includes a fact sheet, national resource list, action steps to get involved, a pocket card with assessment tips, mandatory reporting and privacy issues.
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International Violence Against Women Act

One out of every three women worldwide will be abused during her lifetime. Violence against women and girls is a human rights violation, a public health epidemic, and a barrier to solving global challenges such as extreme poverty, HIV and …

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Programs for Men Who Use Violence

Can men who use violence really change their behavior? This is a complex question that many studies have failed to clearly answer. Some research shows that some men who complete a non-violence program can make significant changes in their lives …

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Developing an Engaged Board of Directors to Advance Equity Values

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Living Our Values: Supervision and Feedback for Survivor-Serving Organizations

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Developing an Engaged Board of Directors to Advance Equity

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Living Our Values: Supervision and Feedback for Survivor-Serving Organizations

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Living Our Values: Supervision and Feedback for Survivor-Serving Organizations

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Living Our Values: Supervision and Feedback for Survivor-Serving Organizations

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Learning through Interactivity: How to Tell a Story, Part 2

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Learning through Interactivity: How to Tell a Story, Part 1

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Learning through Interactivity: Creating Meaningful and Accessible Interactivity

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Learning through Interactivity: Creating Curiosity through Learning Activities

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Expanding The Continuum Podcast Logo

Expanding The Continuum

Expanding The Continuum is podcast exploring the intersections of HIV and intimate partner violence brought to you by Futures Without Violence and the National Network to End Domestic Violence.
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Organizational Resiliency in Managing Challenges within Survivor-Serving Organizations

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Q & A: Creating Virtual Education That Sticks

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Innovation on Demand Part 1: Implementing Culturally-Responsive and Trauma-Informed Telehealth Services and Family-Centered Practice During COVID-19

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Chicago skyline at sunset

NCHDV Steering Committee: Finding Hope and Healing in the time of COVID-19

On what would have been the first day of the 9th National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence in Chicago, we asked NCHDV Steering Committee members to reflect on their work in the time of COVID-19 and what the field needs to do moving forward: "It will take time because it will take listening with tenacity and humility; it will take a return to some deeply old ways; and most of all, it will take the experience and imagination of those previously ignored and placated."
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Innovation on Demand Part 3: Well-being as a Pathway to Safety

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Innovation on Demand Part 2: Advancing Collaboration during COVID-19 to Protect Children and Families

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Innovation on Demand Part 1: Implementing Culturally-Responsive and Trauma-Informed Telehealth Services and Family-Centered Practice During COVID-19

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Strategies to Enhance Employee Resilience and Engagement within Survivor-Serving Organizations

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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How Do You Feel About Web Training?

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Survivor Strategies to Generate Income: Opportunities through Independent Contracting

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Is Your Relationship Affecting Your Health? General Health Safety Card: Farsi (PDF ONLY)

This 4-panel double-sided tool folds up to the size of a business card (3.5″ x 2″) and was designed for women who speak Farsi receiving health care services, domestic violence services, or services in other community-based settings.
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Is Your Relationship Affecting Your Health? General Health Safety Card: Arabic (PDF ONLY)

This 4-panel double-sided tool folds up to the size of a business card (3.5″ x 2″) and was designed for women who speak Arabic receiving health care services, domestic violence services, or services in other community-based settings.
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Beyond Checking the Boxes: A Discussion on Education Program Evaluations

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Language Access in Educational Design and Delivery

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Promoting Employment Opportunities for Survivors of Human Trafficking

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Information Session: Promoting Employment Opportunities for Survivors of Trafficking Institute

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Building Sustainable Partnerships between Human Trafficking Services and Workforce Development Programs

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Job Training and Employment Opportunities for Survivors of Trafficking through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Human Trafficking and Its Impact Employment

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Building Skills and Obtaining Employment: Understanding Opportunities and Resources Available through Local Workforce Systems

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Promoting Employment Opportunities for Survivors of Human Trafficking

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Human Trafficking & Impacts on Employment Opportunities

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Adult Learning in the Context of Judicial and Law Enforcement Education

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Financial Exploitation and Abuse of Older Adults: Building Court-Community Collaborations

This webinar will provide an overview of the recent national scan to find evidence based programs and models to support children's healing. It will highlight several evidence-based interventions for parent and child survivors of domestic violence that advocates and other service providers can consider using.
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Program News

Funding Announcement: Project Catalyst Phase II, Statewide Transformation on Health and IPV/Human Trafficking

Futures Without Violence (FUTURES) is soliciting applications for Phase II of a project focused on fostering leadership and collaboration between domestic violence programs and health professionals at the U.S. state or territory level to improve the health and safety outcomes for survivors of IPV and human trafficking and to promote prevention.
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What’s Your Agenda? How to Craft Meaningful Agendas

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Beginning with the End in Mind: Instructional Design Basics

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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Digital Tools

All-inclusive Online Tools for Providers and Advocates

As one of the nation’s leading voices on the intersection of health and domestic violence, Futures Without Violence is launching two new websites that are designed to be digital hubs for establishing partnerships between domestic violence agencies and healthcare settings across the country.
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Promising Futures: Capacity Assessment for DV/SV Programs for Supporting Children, Youth, and Parents

This webinar will provide an overview of the Promising Futures: Best Practices for Serving Children, Youth, and Parents Experiencing Domestic Violence website and related tools and will discuss a new tool developed by the Vermont Coalition Against Domestic Violence that will help programs assess opportunities for growth and development in their services.
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#Equalby2030: Rethinking Workplace Safety and Security

Join the #Equalby2030: Rethinking Workplace Safety and Security webinar on February 24th to help prevent sexual and domestic violence in the workplace.
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Thanks to Sportswriters Who Speak Out!

A heartfelt thank you to all of the sports writers out there who are speaking out against domestic violence!
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