STAGES 2023 Convening, Washington D.C.

Futures Without Violence hosted a convening to address emerging strategies for preventing and responding to elder abuse outside the legal system, including restorative justice, economic justice, legal system off-ramps, and equitable community partnerships.

Who attended?

Community-based advocacy groups, elder justice coalitions, older adult service providers, culturally-specific programs, professionals, health care, and other thought leaders in the elder abuse field, community volunteers working with elders, tribal organizations, domestic and sexual violence programs, senior community centers, restorative justice practitioners, mediators, social workers, and other allied fields such as racial justice, economic justice, and public health.

What’s next?
UBUNTU webinar LinkedIn post (1)
STAGES opening plenary featuring a circle with Kay Pranis
STAGES welcome plenary graphic recording
STAGES Closing Plenary with Eloise Sepeda
STAGE 2023 20230607 Opening Circle high res copy
STAGES Advisory Committee:

Kristin Burki, National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life
Molly Davies, Wise and Healthy Aging
Jacque Grey, ret. National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative
Vivianne Mbaku, Justice in Aging
Tanagra Melgarejo, National Harm Reduction Coalition
Lisa Nerenberg, California Elder Justice Coalition
Kay Pranis, national leader in restorative justice for older adults
Hon. Katherine Tennyson (ret.), mediator
Rebecca Thomforde-Hauser, Center for Justice Innovation

National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life logo
Justice in aging logo
California Elder Justice Coalition logo


center for court intigration logo
wise and healthy aging logo