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What’s the Dish?: Teen DV Month Last Minute Call to Action Menu

Date: This event has already occurred. Access a recording of it or a PDF of the slides.


Calling all procrastinators! Not yet sure yet what you will be doing with your school, community, or your young people for …

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Webinar: What’s the Dish?: Teen DV Month Last Minute Call to Action Menu

That's Not Cool has partnered with Break the Cycle, and loveisrespect to present you with our full menu of planned events, activities, tools, and content for Teen DV Month 2017.
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Constituents visit Sen. Roy Blunt’s office in Kansas City. Photo: Indivisible KC

Pink Hats and a Teachable Moment

“Why is everyone wearing a pink hat?” the woman asked …

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Artistic image of a brain x-ray

Changing Minds: The Campaign to End Childhood Trauma

Each year, nearly 60% of youth are exposed to violence …

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Rape Happens Here

An Alarm Bell is Ringing

When I last checked the Internet, the now-famous letter from

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Beyond Screening: A Patient-Centered Approach to Domestic Violence

With the screening and brief counseling coverage requirements in the Affordable Care Act and the screening recommendations in the US Preventive Service Task Force, many are looking for the best evidence-based screening tool for domestic violence to use in health settings.
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Why I Participate in Mudderella

Guest blogger Cindy Knight talks about her experience participating in Mudderella and what the cause means to her.
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Photos from Mudderella events across the nation!
54 years ago
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Guest Post: I’m 9,000 Miles Away From Home!

Get to know Francine Nabintu, our FUTURES fellow and McCain Institute Next Generation Leader from the Democratic Republic of the Congo!
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Mudderella Boston Team RESPECT

Leveraging Sports to Help Break the Cycle of Violence

From our Teach Early campaign to our partnership with the mud obstacle event Mudderella, learn more about the ways FUTURES is leveraging sports to help end gender-based violence.
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Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day

Wednesday October 14th, 2015  is Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day!

Learn more about organizing strategies for this Day on our website and upcoming webinar.…

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VAWA Biden

Top Ten Moments at the 2015 National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence

Top ten moments from the 2015 National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence.
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teen girl hands nailpolish cellphone

Leveraging Social Media to Talk to Teens About Dating Violence

We're sharing our social media tips for talking to teens about dating violence and abuse.
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5 Reasons To Do A Mudderella Event in 2015!

The top five reasons you should participate in a Mudderella event in 2015!
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Press Release

FUTURES and Macy’s Announce Winners of 2014 National RESPECT! Challenge

FUTURES and Macy’s announced the winners of the 2014 RESPECT! Challenge, an online contest that celebrates every day role models and heroes. One national grand prize winner and 12 regional winners will receive a total of $40,000 to donate to a nonprofit or school of their choice.
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6 Ways You Can Help Prevent Domestic Violence Every Day of the Year

Domestic Violence Awareness month is coming to an end, but that doesn't mean our efforts should stop in October. Six things you can do to help prevent domestic and sexual violence 365 days a year.
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Mudderella Boston Team RESPECT

An Extraordinary Year With Mudderella!

Wrapping up the 2014 Mudderella event year! Over the course of the year, the seven Mudderella events held across the nation this season drew over 50,000 participants and volunteers and raised over $200,000 dollars for FUTURES.
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Press Release

FUTURES and Macy’s Launch Third Annual RESPECT! Challenge

SAN FRANCISCO (October 15, 2014) – The RESPECT! Challenge, a national social media contest developed by Futures Without Violence and Macy’s, launches today to celebrate mentors and role models throughout the U.S. The third annual contest and campaign invites the public to identify positive examples of people who have taught them respect.
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Program News
2014 RESPECT Challenge Captains_Featured Image

2014 RESPECT! Challenge Captains

Meet the 2014 RESPECT! Challenge Captains!
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Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day Action Kit

Examples of activities you can organize, social media posts, and past events.
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Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day (HCADV Day)

October 9th, 2024 is the 25th annual Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day

Health Cares About Domestic Violence (HCADV) Day is an annual, nationally recognized day that takes place on the second Wednesday of October. Sponsored by FUTURES, HCADV Day …

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Program News
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Using Social Media to Increase Awareness

These shareable graphic ads can support your marketing for upcoming health/DV trainings or efforts, or help get the conversation started.
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Program News
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Futures Celebrates International Day of the Girl (10/11)

We applaud the United Nations for recognizing the value of girls and declaring October 11th the International Day of the Girl. Every girl deserves to live an empowered life free of discrimination, abuse, economic disparities, and violence.
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Program News

Using Music, Movies, Video Games & School Curricula, Start Strong Is Promoting Healthy Relationships

The middle school years offer key moments to educate about healthy relationships and teen dating violence prevention. Programs should meet youth where they spend time, such as in schools, and engage a range of community partners.
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Program News
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Announcing the Winners of the 2014 Break The Silence Awards!

Futures Without Violence announced Betsy McCandless Break The Silence Awards, which supports college campaigns and activities that encourage survivors, allies, and bystanders to take action or speak out against gender-based violence on campus.
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Program News
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Engaging Men Program Grantees Come Together in D.C.

Futures Without Violence is continuing our partnership with the Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women as the lead technical assistance provider for the Engaging Men Grant Program.
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Digital Tools
IPV Page

IPV Screening and Counseling Toolkit

Puzzled by all the details in new health care laws that benefit millions of women and girls? We’re here to help.
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Program News

Mudderella and FUTURES Partner Up!

FUTURES the official national charity partner of Mudderella
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Program News

Leadership Development for Immigrant Survivors of Violence

The Immigrant Women's Rights Project educates women about their rights and develops their leadership so that they can become involved in changing policies that affect them.
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Program News
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‘That’s Not Cool’ Wins Youth Award

That’s Not Cool, a Futures Without Violence public education campaign, has been recognized as aY-Pulse GennY Award Finalist. This honor awards initiatives that use new and innovative techniques to connect with youth.
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Women Are Sacred: American Indian/Alaska Native Safety Card

This was developed in partnership with the National Indigenous Women's Resource Center. The card aims to help women recognize healthy and unhealthy relationship dynamics.
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Tribal Laws: Protecting the Sacredness of Our Children

This webinar will assist OJJDP grantees in answering the following questions; how can Tribal codes and laws be formulated to protect children?
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Sex, Relationships, and Respect on Campus Safety Card

This safety card is designed for college-aged women and men. The card details the high prevalence of sexual assaults on campus and defines consent.
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Frequently Asked Questions

If you haven’t been able to find the information you’re looking for, please take a look at this list of Frequently Asked Questions.
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We’ve teamed up with Mudderella, a world-class obstacle course series that challenges and empowers women. The 5-7 mile-long events taking place across the country encourage women to overcome obstacles and “own their strong.”

All fundraising proceeds generated by Mudderella participants …

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Where We Are

Learn more our headquarters in San Francisco, CA, the Center for Leadership and Action.
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Institute for Leadership in Education Development

The Institute for Leadership in Education Development (I-LED) offers hands-on workshops and technical assistance to help US Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) grantees to enhance the relevance and effectiveness of training and education programs supported by …

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International Violence Against Women Act

One out of every three women worldwide will be abused during her lifetime. Violence against women and girls is a human rights violation, a public health epidemic, and a barrier to solving global challenges such as extreme poverty, HIV and …

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The Y-Factor: Men Leading by Example

We believe men play a critical role in ending violence against women and children throughout the world. In 2012, FUTURES hosted the first Y Factor: Men Leading by Example, an interactive summit to champion men throughout the world who are …

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What Can I Do?

There are many ways to take action and get involved in your community to help prevent violence against women and children. Here are a few ways to get you started!

1. Be a Changemaker.

There are many ways to …

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